Looking for a new transponder car key? Call Car Locksmith!

Nowadays most of the modern cars are equiped with transponder car keys. It does sound a bit fancy, but it's a great thing car manufacturers came up within the 90s to renew a car security. A lot of people are confused with transponder car keys, sometimes people think remote keys and transponder keys are the same, which is not ultimately correct. Remote Keys are so called keys with a clicker, basically it might be an regular key, with remote attached to it, which is used just to click open the doors. Transponder key is a different deal, transponder key sends a special signal to your ignition preventing car thieves to hotwire your car!
Usually you can check out your key and understand whether there is a transponder chip inside or not, take a look at your key, does it have a thick plastic on top, if yes then probably your key has a transponder chip in it. Inside that thick plastic there is a little transmiter chip which sends signal to your car ignition, then the signal is being checked with the signal recoreded in car computer, if it matches the call will start, if not the lights will be on, but engine won't crank. You can make a car key copy with same cuts, but if it's a transponder key, you have to get it program to the car first, otherwise your car computer won't recognise the signal and will not start.
That is the reason why duplicating a car key is not just a trip to a hardware store. If you will ever happen to loose your car keys or just need an extra car key made you need a reliable car locksmith just like' Car Locksmith service to get the job done right.
We handle car locksmith services listed below:
- Transponder Key Programming
- Transponder Key Duplication
- Transponder Key Depair
What is a key with a transponder?
Lots of cars these days use a transponder keys. A transponder key is a key that has a little chip inside the plastic part of the key, that sends the correct signal to your ignition allowing it to start the car. Transponder keys were designed and created to improve security of our cars and keep us safe from car thieves. The process of work could be described as short as when you put your car key into the ignition, the microchip inside the key sends a special signal to the ignition, so when you turn the key, your car could start. For example if someone would make a hard copy of your key and try to start the car, it would just not start. Transponder Car Keys first appeared in 90's and were around for decades already, and the technology it self is being improved year by year.
Transponder Key Expert Locksmith
Transponder keys made by a different car manufacturers are very different, each key made by an auto manufacturer needs it's special programming tool and the technique to get it programmed to the car. An expert Car Locksmith has usually 2 options to get your transponder key work. The specialty car locksmith 1st option is to put a key into a special cloner machine and get it cloned; or 2nd option is to connect a special computer to your car and get it programmed using special auto locksmith software.
Transponder keys do require a special know knowledge and programming tools you can only get from someone like Car Locksmith. Give us a call or keep our phone number handy for future. We make any car key, anytime, anywhere. Our phone number is a must have if you have a car, you would never know when you might need our assistance, so it's good to be prepared, it would save your time and money!
Transponder Key Repair
The chances of getting your chip inside the transponder key getting damaged are pretty high if you drop your key on the ground, or if you keep it in your back pocket. So if your plastic on top of the key is damaged there's a high chance that chip is damaged as well. Sometimes the plastic might look damaged but chip inisde is fine. Give us a call we can come out and check if it's damaged or not, we can replace the plastic part if it's not.
Transponder Key Programming
If you need to get transponder key programed, we strongly advice you to get it done by a professional car locksmitg. Transponder keys should be done with special tools and doing it a wrong way may ruin the chip or car computer. Our locksmiths have all the necessary equipment needed for reprogramming or recreating your transponder key from scratch on the spot.
What Customers Say About Us

Leo is absolutely amazing. I got my keys locked in the car and called the first locksmith I found on the internet. He showed up in 15 minutes and got my car door unlocked without any damages. Would recomend, 5 stars for Car Locksmith!

I work in Downton and always leave my car parked at City Center Parking, few days ago I've came out from work late night and realized that I can't find my car key to my toyota prius. I've got a phone number for Car Locksmith and called them. Tom showed up in 25 minutes with a new key fob for me, he got it programmed real fast. I thought it would take hours, but he was done in 20 minutes. Amazing Service for a good price!

I work for Fugetsu-Do Bakery in Los Angeles. That night I got off from work tried to start my car, but key wouldn't turn at all. I've been trying to turn the key for hours it was already late. I gave up and called this guys. Tom came up to me to save my day, he checked out the ignition and said that there is something stuck inside, it was late and there was no much light in the streets. He fixed my ignition in 25 minutes. I've never been so thankful to anyone, he saved my day.