Ignition Replacement Service in Los Angeles County
Can't turn key in the ignition? Looking for someone to get your car ignition fixed or replaced? Give us a call, at Car Locksmith we are ready to work on any ignition for any make and the model of the car!
The car ignition switch is located in the dashboard or on the steering column. What it does is that it takes power from the car batery and directs it to the electrical componets of the car as well to all accessories. It is also used to transfer the power to the starter of the car to start the engine when you turn a key in it. If your key turns in the ignition but the car won't start, most probably the starter doesn't receive the power meaning that your ignition went bad and now either has to be fixed or replaced. If your ignition goes bad most of the times the key will just not turn in the ignition or it will turn but the radio and lights would not turn on. Getting an ignition replaced by a professional car locksmith might be as easy as removing few screws, but might alos be complicated as removing the whole steering column, it really depends on the make and the model of the car, and that's why the prices to get ignition switch replaced on the car may vary from car to car.
Do I need an Ignition Replaced
Well it depends. Usually the symptoms for a faulty or a broken ignitions are same. You turn key in the ignition and car won't start, or you can't turn key in the ignition at all, or you can turn the key in the ignition the car will start but engine keeps shutting off. At Car Locksmith we strongly advise you not to try to fix ignition switch your self, a lot of electrical components of the car are connected to the ignition and puting a new ignition in the wrong way damage the computer of the car or burn out the fuses, you can give a call to a car locksmith we have years of experience working on the cars 24/7 and are always ready to assist you and give you hand when you need it most.
Process Of Getting Ignition Replaced
If you feel like there is some trouble with your ignition switch, you can give us a call at any time really, we work even on holidays.
When our expert car locksmith arrives on site, he will check wether it's really a faulty ignition or the car key that causes you the trouble. If he will find out that ignition is fine and doesn't need to be fixed or replaced, he will offer you a key replacement service. And the reason why we say about that is that lots of times it's the key causing problems being worn out or for any other reason. If we will find out that the key is fine and it's the ignition that needs to be fixed or replaced, our auto locksmith pro will check all the fuses to be 100% sure before he starts taking your ignition out. As we mentioned before, replacing an ignition might be as easy as removing few screws and might be as hard as taking out the complete steering column. Once our locksmith replaces the ignition if your car key has a transponder chip in it, he will programm new key to your car computer, otherwise car will not start. We will make sure that all the electrical components work fine before we leave and that's guaranteed. Car Locksmith provides with 90 days guarantee on any parts that we used or labor performed so you can rest assured that you chose the right people to work with!
How to prevent damaging the ignition?
- Make sure to have a car battery in a good condition, it's very important because the battery feeds ignition with power and if your battery over voltages or is faulty it may burn out the fuses connected to the ignition.
- Make sure that you don't have any dust or debris inside the ignition switch, because it may force a stress on a tumblers inside the ignition.
- We advise not to put too much weight on the key ring. The weight may damage your key or tumbler part of your ignition switch. Or even worse break the key inside the ignition switch.
To get a professional Car Locksmith service for all your car locksmith needs, don't wait, give us a call right away!
What Customers Say About Us

Leo is absolutely amazing. I got my keys locked in the car and called the first locksmith I found on the internet. He showed up in 15 minutes and got my car door unlocked without any damages. Would recomend, 5 stars for Car Locksmith!

I work in Downton and always leave my car parked at City Center Parking, few days ago I've came out from work late night and realized that I can't find my car key to my toyota prius. I've got a phone number for Car Locksmith and called them. Tom showed up in 25 minutes with a new key fob for me, he got it programmed real fast. I thought it would take hours, but he was done in 20 minutes. Amazing Service for a good price!

I work for Fugetsu-Do Bakery in Los Angeles. That night I got off from work tried to start my car, but key wouldn't turn at all. I've been trying to turn the key for hours it was already late. I gave up and called this guys. Tom came up to me to save my day, he checked out the ignition and said that there is something stuck inside, it was late and there was no much light in the streets. He fixed my ignition in 25 minutes. I've never been so thankful to anyone, he saved my day.